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2006 January - September 2007
September 2007

These are always busy while the weather is good and the children are not in school. Camps were the main activity as usual this year too. Weather like here is changing and the temperatures getting higher. 35-45 degrees Celsius with large downpours of thunderous rain. this makes some roads un-negotiable and problems of various sorts in the planning and carrying out of activities.

First Camp - was a day camp held in the forest on the mountains near what they call " a gypsy village" - this is a huge place - more like a collection of villages of a town like proportions. The week started with rain and high temperatures but nevertheless children came out of the forest from all parts - 250 of them the first day and too many to count on the last day. Many helpers came from different areas of the country and so the group was broken down into manageable numbers. The Bible was taught and many games and much fun were had, to the delight of the children. Their childhood does not last too long as they are usually married and having babies in their mid teens.

Second Camp - was at the campsite where 40 of the older gypsy children went with adults to learn how to teach their own children on their return and for the coming months. This was great fun for them as well as educational.

Third Camp - was also at the new site and was for local children from Galati ..

After this - The Bethesda resident and Day care children were taken to the Black Sea for a trip for a little break before starting back to school.

The New School Year - a number of the family and resident children are changing schools this year and this is always a big thing for a child - more so if their background has been unstable in the past. Some of the older girls in particular are starting university or studying for entrance 19th June 2007


My apologies for the delay in getting news onto the website. Family problems, death and illness have given us so much to do lately that I was unable to keep up.

19th June 2007

First of all - my apologies for the delay in getting news onto the website. Family problems, death and illness have given us so much to do lately that I was unable to keep up.

March Fundraiser

This went really well and with all the money raised on the night and donations in the months immediately before and afterwards, we were able to send around 9,000 euros to Bethesda for the continuance of their work among the street and poor children and families in Galati. This was very gratefully received as new children are continuing to be taken into care in the homes. Repairs and renovations need to done and all the ongoing expenses of supporting approximately 50 resident teenagers through school, training and into work.

and meet other visitors to Bethesda. Due to medical restrictions we declined visits into the streets and homes this year but were nevertheless kept busy, getting to know our friends out there in a deeper way.

April Visit

As a couple, my husband & I went to Romania for 12 days and caught up with life at Bethesda. It was a busy time with unexpected experiences from wedding clothes fittings to meals out with young married couples (until recent years residents in the homes themselves) and an overnight visit to see the newest campsite building.

It was good to absorb the atmosphere, see everyday life with the workers.

Development and Projects

We heard of thoughts for development of the work – This last winter the boys home has had an upgrade of heating by installing a wood burning boiler which has cut the bills so much that the leaders feel that it is right to do the same for other houses as money becomes available. Wood is available in the mountain areas and can be bought reasonably. However an opportunity has arisen to buy forest neighbouring the campsite, which would mean the Foundation could supply their own needs and replant without causing any decimation of the mountain forest areas in Salt Valley. The vehicles they have could be used to transport the wood, to their own building and excess could be sold to generate funds also.

While in Romania – we had the privilege of visiting a very large gypsy village that has seen great change for the better in the last years. It is way up in the mountains in central Romania and the change of lifestyle has come about since so many of the villagers have become Christians. Now , the villagers have become hard-working and law abiding and accepting of other people where in the past, no one would be welcome and some were even injured if they dared to visit. The number attending the church there has grown so much that they residents are asking for bricks and cement etc to enlarge the building.

Teams from Galati have been invited to run daily camps for children to teach them the Bible – this was organised at the end of last summer and 4-500 children attended each day for a week, in the forest nearby.

This year, it is planned to do this again and then later to take 50 of the older, literate children to the camp site for a week away to teach them how to teach others, on their return to the village. They already have a day centre for the children to attend which one of the locals bought off Government officials for a pittance when it was redundant. They have furnished and decorated it well and cheerfully with pictures and coloured plastic kiddie chairs.

Young people of Bethesda

Many of the first ones rescued from the streets are now grown up and self supporting citizens and are now exploring the opportunities of moving into other EU countries.

A number of the lads have moved out over the last couple of years but the work is not failing as there are other younger ones needing care now. Others live locally with their families and it is a joy for the workers to see the new "grandchildren" been born and developing well.

The older girls are now 18-20 and as expected are beginning to fall in love so there will be a spate of wedding again in the next year or two.

Please pray for these young people as they develop, that God will keep them from harm and bad influences and that they will find there niche in life.

If you have any questions or comments - please write to the email address on the site - as below in the February entry . Thabk you for all your prayer and material help for this work

3rd February 2007

Plans are coming together for the Spring Fundraiser - The Auction and Table Quiz. If you wish to know more,or wish to help in any way, please write to

Other means of supporting financially are to collect small coins - we all accumulate these after travel and shopping and kept in a special place, they soon mount up. In the republic , we can also save/collect bus refund tickets for cashing. we can do this for you if you put them in an envelope to us. If don't know anyone in the suport group, write an email for an address.

News from Bethesda in Romania

The extension to the day care centre is now finished and 8 of the younger, school-going boys are settled in, with good effect on their lives and school work. The day care centre end is re-furbished and in use again.

Some children have moved out - some as mature adults, others to be fostered by friends or families. Occasionally these placements breakdown for various reaasons, and children are then accepted back into the Bethesda family homes.

we have recived sponsor cards for more of the children so if you are interested in suporting and takinhg an interest in a child, please be in touch.

Plans for the new year - practically include painting and improvement to the girls' home and a second camp house.This is what we would like to support from our fund-raising here.
Work wise - activities among the gypsy children have been taking place and more are envisaged for the summer.
The camp site will be well used again by the bethesda Foundation and many other bodies. this is a tremendpous place for the children to get some healthy fresh air and relaxation

Sunday 21 Janaury 2007

A table quiz and auction sale is being organised for Friday 2nd March 2007 to be held in The Paddocks, Clonee in aid of Bethesda Foundation.

November / December 2006

Dani visted England and Ireland in November, with his elder son Raol.This was the first time since being widowed. It was a good time for him as he visited relatives as well as sponsors of the children in Bethesda.In December Estera and Benu have a visit to USA for deputation and a family wedding.
Plans are made for the children to spend christmas with local families to see what a family christmas is like. new year will be spent together back in the homes

Wed 11 October 2006

- There was a visit from two more suporters in September this year. The overall impression was of the progress made with the projects, how well the workers have coped through a difficult year and the fantastic difference in the children as another year has passed. They are growing, maturing and developing well. They saw more new children enter the homes and get the welcome and care that they need when coming off the streets.

CAMP SITE - The building is finished and has been in use by the Foundation for teenage camps and also for other churches and groups over the summer. We hope to get a picture on to the site later for you to see.Camps went really well and the older boys who helped in the building were amply rewarded to see the completion of their hard work and utilise the facilities!

MORE SUMMER PROJECTS -The day care centre has been renovated and extended so that part of the building will become a home for the younger boys who are still attending school. This has several advantages in bringing safety to the children on school runs and in ease of administration for the workers, as well as an atmosphere of study for these younger ones.

Some more of the boys in employment have left the home - some to live with family or friends in the city. Continue to praise God for Bethesda where LOVE is shown in such practical ways, in order to encourage self reliance and future independence.

Continue to pray that Bethesda along with many other organisations will get permission to remain a charity recognised by the government.

The homes remain full, even though some young people have left to go home into care of their relatives. Some of these are helped financially by the Foundation and this is good for the young people to be at home and not breaking up family ties. Pray for all the workers and new ones as they join the team caring for the youngsters.

Staff needs. A number of workers have moved on, emigrated etc. so there was a special meeting at which the workers prayerfully considered their options in administering the work. New positions and new places mean adjustments for workers. Please consider them as they adapt for the future year. Two babies of workers are expected this autumn - One has arrived and it is a boy! Pray for the new family as it bonds together, and the other couple who await the birth of their third child.

Thank you again for all your continued prayer and support.

Wed 2 August 2006 -

Visit in April went well and it was good to see the work as it is and bring a first hand report home.

Update on the Camp Site:
On leaving the Foundation - work was starting on clearing the land in the orchard for the new building at the camp site. It was to be a dormitory and living building rather like a large house. 20 m x 7 m. of timber construction. In June the building was started and it has now been built in 4 weeks. The camps have started this week using the building and will continue for the next three weeks. 40 teenagers will be hosted each week with 15 workers. Please pray for these time of relaxation and outreach.

More Summer Projects:
The day care centre is to be renovated and extended so part of the building will become a home for the younger boys who are still attending school. This has several advantages in safety and distance and ease of administration as well as atmoshere of study for these younger ones. There are still a number of boys who have left school but not the Boys' home and are learning trades and independence whose live style and hours are making it less condusive for the students to study.This building will take place after the camps and a number of the older boys will be involved as with the camp building. Continue to praise God for Bethesda where LOVE is shown in such practical ways, in order to encourage self reliance and future independence.

Continue to pray that Bethesda along with many other organisations will get permission to remain a charity recognised by the government.

The homes remain full to capacity, evem though some young people have left to go home into care of their relatives. Some of these are helped financially by the foundation and this is good for the young people to be at home and not breaking up family ties. Pray for all the workers and new ones as they join the team caring for the youngsters. Thank you for all your continued prayer and support.

Tues 21st March 2006-

Visit on the 1st April. Two supporters from the Republic of Ireland are looking forward to their trip and to taking out financial and material goods from supporters to their children in Galati. The work still goes on - very busy now that Spring is due. A lot of agricultural work needs to be done in order to produce a harvest to feed the children and workers. The extreme cold weather has also taken its toll on the poor and needy and those who are homeless.

Exams will be looming for the children again (as in other countries of the world) BUT for the ex- street children and those of deprived backgrounds trying to catch up, once in care - it is more difficult. Continue to praise God for Bethesda where LOVE is shown in such practical ways.

Recent News from Bethesda is of contiued improvement of health in the boys who were so sick.

Preparation for the summer projects will be in process. Such things as, buying land for the third home, applying for planning permission for this and the camp site buildings and arranging delivery of building materials is very challenging. Continue to pray that Bethesda along with many other organisations will get permission to remain a charity recognised by the government.

The homes remain full to capacity. Pray for all the workers and new ones as they join the team caring for the youngsters. Thank you for all your prayer and support.

Tues 14th February 2006 VALENTINE'S DAY.

The day of love celebrated in many countries. Praise God for Bethesda where LOVE is shown to the poor and abandoned children in GALATI

Recent News from Bethesda is of improvement of health in the boys who were so sick. Daniel is walking and working again much to his delight

Preparation for EU membership continues to challenge the workers with paperwork. Continue to pray that Bethesda along with many other organisations will get permission to remain a charity recognised by the government.

The search continues for a suitable plot of land for the third house - for younger boys. This would be the next step in developing the work. It has been found that the younger boys feel insecure with all the late teenagers in such a big house and do better when receiving more individual attention as they have had so little bonding in their lives.The camp site which rendered a good harvest is in the planning stages for building cabin accommodation so the city children will get good fresh air at least once a year, (the homes are in a city which boasts a huge steel works. This brings fumes and pollution) .

Children - there was great excitement when all the resident children were able to be 'fostered' for a few days in loving families over new year. Some children have since been taken home to relatives whose circumstances have improved YET the homes remain full to capacity - to the extent of 'guest rooms' being in constant use! Some of the workers also are fostering children in their own homes! Thank you again for looking at our 'latest page' and following the work in Romania.

Sunday 15th January 2006

We are sorry for the delay in updates.

News from Bethesda is of a very busy time with sickness and activities

Preparation for EU membership has caused the government to issue new forms and rulings regarding charities and their status. Bethesda along with many other organisations are having to fill in many forms to re-apply for their charity status. Please pray for the workers who hate being distracted from their main work of caring for the children to do this administration work. Pray for patience and good sucess in this insecure time for them.

The sick boys - with liver problems are improving and the one with the brain tumour is stable - the tumour is benign and latest tests show it has not grown recently. However one of the older boys contracted meningitis and was extremely sick and latest news to us was of his difficulty in learning to walk again. Pray for Daniel that he will soon be well again.

Workers - there are new ones who are settling in well and a great help, others have moved on and one to Maternity leave. Two of the past boys from the home have become fathers in Nov and Dec to baby boys and the families are doing well-- so it goes on from one generation to another as the workers are now 'grandparents' at a very young age!

The new year has brought its challenges - among them to find land in order to build a home for the small boys so they can have a more family type care.The girls home is full to bursting and 3 older teenage girls now live with the founding couple in their own home, in order to ease the situation. One of the new girls is as young as 5 years old and her brother is not much older and in the boys home. Pray for their adjustment please. Thank you again for looking at our 'latest page' and following the work in Romania. May God bless you in 2006.
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