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2004 May - 2005 October
Wednesday 18th October 2005

The summer has been one crisis after another healthwise and for the activities.

Healthwise - A number of workers have been sick and had surgery as have also a number of the boys and girls. The latter included two emergency appendicectomy operations and diagnoses of a brain tumour and cirrhosis of the liver alongside the usual fractures during the summer holidays!

The Foundation - The country has had devastating floods this summer which have washed away villages with loss of life, flooded sewers where the street children live and also washed away the bridge which accesses the camp site. Though the river now is much wider than it was before,the bridge has been rebuilt in a temporary way and access regained. This disaster has left many homeless and destitue, crops ruined and activities such as the camps were not able to be held for the children.The christians in nearby towns such as Galati are helping in rescue and aid work including rebuilding houses for the poor people affected.

Some of the couples married last year, are having babies this year. Now the first workers are becoming 'grandparents' (Still only in their 30's!), as ex- street children set up homes and have families. What a long way the Foundation has come in such a few years !

School has reopened and some have started for the first time and others moved up to senior schools. Pray for the children as they settle in again and as they face the winter with it's extremely low temperatures and the daily trek through ice and snow to school.

Recently a law has been passed prohibiting the import of second hand shoes to the country in order to protect the upcoming shoe industry. This has an effect on the Foundation as previously the winter shoes came from Germany as gifts. This is an extra expense to 'shoe-out' 40-50 children in the homes and to have available footwear for the street children who visit the day care centre for help. It is an investment to fit the children with strong shoes as it can make a differnce to their health through the winter months when temperatures can go as low as Minus 15 degrees C in contrast to the summer highs of +45 degrees.

Another pre-winter need is a new boiler in the girls home to heat water and the house as this has died it's death! If you can help in any of these projects - please use the contact email addresses on the help/contact page of this web site.

Friday 29th July 2005

This last two months have been a very tough time for the workers and young people in Bethesda since Cristina and Dani's accident. We are glad to tell you that Dani has now been allowed up on crutches and he is very glad to get outdoors for the first time since May.

MIHAELA -another of the senior workers has had emergency surgery. Another worker has had to go to Bucharest with one of the sick boys who has been diagnosed with a brain tumour and the resultant staff shortage has made life very busy for all

CAMPS have had to be cancelled as a result of horrific floods which swept away the village in the valley of the camp site with loss of life

EXAMS - of the 7 young people to take the big exams 4 of them passed. The others may have the chance to repeat next year. The ones who passed are to move to senior schools in the autumn.

Friday 17th June 2005

Dani attended Cristina funeral on a stretcher - discharged from hospital but has to lie flat for further 2 months. Elder boy at home with him, both being cared for by Dani's brother and the Bethesda workers. Younger child aged 3 with relatives in town nearby . Dani has peace but sorely misses Cristina .

Another girl has needed surgery for appendicitis - one who is due to sit big school exams next week. Please continue to pray in view of staff shortage and the camps and exams coming up.

Friday 27th May 2005

Dani and Cristina - 2 of head workers in bad car accident. Cristina died and Dani is seriously injured in hospital.

Friday 13th May 2005

Irish Fundraising News

'Bethesda Ireland' has it's own bank account. A group meets in north Dublin once every two months on the second monday of the odd months. Anyone wanting to meet with them - please email info[at] with a telephone number for more details. It is envisaged that more groups will meet in other areas in due course. Money has been sent to Romania this month for the first quarter of the year sponsorship support and gifts

Ladies Marathon - Two ladies are entering in June in support of Bethesda. If you wish to support them - please email us on the contact address for your area.



Training - of workers. Seminars planned for March and May went well.

For God's continuing care and the workers who are so dedicated to the work.

Children - New girls and boys have been admitted to the homes. One girl has been fostered.

Workers - Some new ones have joined the work and are settling well. There is a need for more workers in the girls home as three have moved on for various reasons, one left because of ill-health, one to previously planned child work experience and another for a two year work contract in England Please pray for dedicated replacement workers.


For the future
Children -

Two boys are very sick with liver disease - please pray for them.

6 young people have important school exams in June which determine their educational future. Their school attendance pre acceptance into the homes would not be good and they have worked hard to try and catch up with their peers

Camps - 6 camps planned from 16th July to 23rd August.

Projects :

A smaller house is needed to separate the smaller children who are coming into the care of the Foundation. They would be in a safer area and nearer to their schools. More room would be available then for older children, at present waiting for places

Small wooden houses are proposed for the camp site to house the campers and activities. In the meantime - new tents are needed for this year, There is a possiblity of these being resourced in Northern Ireland. Contact the NI contact email if you have any help available for this.

Monday 24th January 2005


The Republic of Ireland support for The Bethesda Foundation is now called 'Bethesda Ireland' and has it's own bank account. A group meets in Dublin once every two months on the second monday of the odd months. Anyone wanting to meet with them - please email info[at] with a telephone number for more details.It is envisaged that more groups will meet in other areas in due course.



Finances - all needs were met in 2004

Children - growth and development of all. Some have moved on and some 'oldboys' have emigrated with wives.

Workers - new ones joined the work and are settling well


For the future -

Children - Another young sibling group accepted. Pray for them as they settle in.

Camps - 6 camps planned from 16th July to 23rd August.


A smaller house is needed to separate the smaller children who are coming into the care of the Foundation.They would be in a safer area and nearer to their schools. More room would be available then for older children, at present waiting for places

Small wooden houses are proposed for the camp site to house the campers and activities.

Training - of workers. Seminars planned for March and May

Leadership training of church child workers.
Leaders from Bethesda have been asked to conduct these for a countrywide conference. In progress 24th - 28th January.

Friday 3rd December 2004


Dublin Fundraiser in November - International Evening in Castleknock was a great sucess and around 800 euros will be sent before Christmas. Special Gift Cards were launched for Christmas in the Republic (from 7 euros for part support of a child). Contact by email if you wish to buy please


New boy left the home again - still needs prayer

Sick Boy - now really well. No surgery needed and antibiotics worked

Another boy - has severe liver disease

The siblings will be in the homes longer than expected - Workers need much prayer to cope with them.

Please pray especially for these children

Workers -
Two new ones, one male and one female. Please pray as they settle in for insight and endurance.

Material Work-
The inside of the boys home needs refurbishing and painting. The workers and older boys intend to start this next week. Windows are rotten and ill-fitting, losing heat. Pray for finance and materials needed to do this vital work and patience for all involved as they work around the boys in residence.

Christmas -
New venture - to foster children out for Christmas to Christian families in the area. Pray that this will be a good experience for all



Thursday 11th November 2004

Good news !

Praise the Lord for answered prayers. The hospitalised lad is now home and doing well without surgery. Thank you for praying.

Thursday 4th November 2004


for the good times had in the summer camps where decisions were made by young people to hand their lives over to God

and for the new worker starting this month.

for God to continually strengthen the workers and touch the boys' lives

for the daily physical and emotional needs in the Foundation.

New workers. These are still needed as a number have emigrated (that God will prepare Romanians ready to work with the young people that are rescued)

for the Bible studies recently started in the house with the boys by a local church member.

for wisdom and patience for the workers who are seeking to rehabilitate a family of three siblings aged 6-9 while their parents try to rebuild a marriage.The children have suffered a lot throughout the time of the break up, emotionally and physically.

Two boys especially, - one who has a severe infection of his leg and may need surgery and the other a lad who has only recently come to the home.

Thursday 14th October 2004


At the end of August - Ben & Estera and Dani & Cristina came to the Republic of Ireland for a long weekend to meet and greet supporters and old friends. This was a very happy time for all as we saw the new presentation of the work with all the latest news and talked face to face with our friends from Galati. From the Republic the couples went different ways, one going to Scotland, the other to Northern Ireland for the same purposes. They later met up and went to Guernsey to visit more friends and supporters eventually flying back to Romania from London.

The results of these visits were seen in more prayerful interest in the work, more sponsors for children at Bethesda and money for the much needed Microbus, which can now be bought before winter sets in.

Praise God for people who love God and care about others in the world.

Camps were good times last summer and God worked in the lives of the young people who attended them. The first building needed on the camp site is 'club house' for services and activities since the rain and wind play havoc with the crafts if sessions take place in the open air. This has been learned by experience!!

Please continue to pray for the work and the children still on the streets over the winter as the weather becomes hard and cold for several months until the spring.Also for the workers some new settling into the Foundation and the future planning and provisions for the work.

Thursday 5th August 2004


One of the workers and another 'old boy' married happily on 17th July


Two leading couples from the The Foundation are visiting Europe this month.

They are travelling overland to London and then by air to Dublin R O I. on 28th August for the weekend.

One couple will then go on to Scotland and the other to N. Ireland before returning to London.

Should you wish to have contact or meet with the workers - please contact via email to your local address on the website (giving your contact details for verification).


These are taking place in August and September - Please pray for God's protection on all and that God will speak to all those who attend, resulting in changed lives.

NEEDS - Please pray and give as you are able - There are a number of urgent needs at present at the Foundation.

The Boys Hostel

New Windows
- are needed before the winter. They (44 of them!) were 30 years old when generously given 7 years ago and now do not protect against the severe Romanian winters

The cooker
- is now insufficient and worn out. The need now is for a professional model to cope with all the people it needs to serve. ( All employees - inside and out, by law have to be given meals or money for food, while working, so this would include builders, farm workers as well as staff and young people!

The Attic Rooms
- (top floor of hostel which houses a common room and 7 bedrooms) badly need refurbishment and painting. Practical as well as financial help would be tremendous!

Football pitch
- needs work for it to survive the continual use by 30 + lads!. The goals and grass need to be attended to.

The Microbus
- this gave up in the Spring and it would be really good for them to have a replacement for transportion e.g trips to the city for supplies as well for the boys and girls especially when they want to take them out of town etc

Friday 25th June 2004

Another worker - The 'Mama' from the Girls house has been diagnosed with serious medical problems and needs to be off work for several months at least.

Severe assaults on girls from Estera's group at church have occurred Pray for help for those who have to deal with these problems

Several workers have plans to leave the Foundation to get other jobs, some in the west. This will bring them more experience but will be a loss to the work. Please pray for replacements with dedication to replace them.

Leaders planning visits to the west in August need guidance and strength to meet these, as well as responsible carers to leave with the work while they are away.

Monday 17th May 2004

One worker who had health problems is improving now and may not need to see a consultant.

Tuesday 14th May 2004

From Derek & Gwyneth

Life is continuing well at the Foundation. More people in difficulties are arriving every day for help. Some requesting young babies to be taken and cared for (which is not possible) - others needing financial help in cases of bereavement of children.

Workers: please pray for health and energy. Some are needing medical appointments

Boys Hostel is buzzing with life with up to 30 teenage boys !

The Farm is developing well this season with animal life and crops flourishing

The Bakery is in operation daily, producing around 100 loaves, supplying food for all aspects of the work.

A Granary is being built on the farm, to house two machines - one to grind the flour for bread - and another to grind fodder for animals

The Field on the Moldovan Border is being planted at present

The Girls are settled well into their new home (opposite The day Care Centre) and are enjoying the extra freedom and facilities.

The Day Care Centre still caters for about 30 children daily

The old 'Girls' Flat' is now being used as a 'half-way house' for boys leaving the hostel

The newly-weds from last year and this, are happy and busy. 'Old' boys from the hostel have married some workers in the Foundation and others, girls from the city

New Projects:

The Camp Site which is a beautiful orchard beside a river, is great and the fruit trees healthy. The Air is so clean and the river pure. One small timber house has been already been erected. The wells are protected and a road down to it has been built. The next priority is to build a fence to protect the land from straying animals followed by buildings as money becomes available.

All web pages will be adjusted soon.

Update - Tuesday 11th May 2004

Derek and Gwyneth from Dublin have just returned from Romania.

More information will be here soon.
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