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2012 May - 2013 December Update

In the past at the day care centre, where there would have been 3 supervisors, now there are only 2 officially on duty. Others would be drafted in as needed.

Adaptations to the work –

Creativity has been in the directors’ hearts and many a prayer to meet their challenges. God has answered their prayers.

Voluntary workers and work experience students etc are being accepted and supervising homework etc.

The unemployed young men, returning from other countries, to their only known home – Bethesda, are being assisted to find jobs (then to contribute to their keep) and do work on the buildings using their skills to maintain and repair buildings meanwhile.

In the girls home there are other occupants, older village girls coming to the city to study in the city secondary schools. They are being housed at the request of their families, and this involves payments from home for the service of weekly boarding. This has an added dimension that the girls are being kept safe too while they are away from home during the week as well as helping in the finances of the home.

In the smaller boys home which was closed earlier, groups can be housed so the evicted and abused women are able to be kept together with their children, making secure family units for broken people.

All this has been possible as the needs of different groups are being addressed by God loving prayerful people who are prepared adapt their lives to meet other’s needs of safety and security. This is true for all ages.

The young people

A number of young people have married and Bethesda has seen a number of marriages and births and even the sadness of some children passing away through accidents.

All in all the work is doing well and workers peaceful as they trust God will meet their needs as they patiently work on. Yes we have our own economy struggles but we are starting with full tummies and roofs above our heads. These Romanian people lived in poverty before the political situations worsened.

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