September 18 2024 16:14:26
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2011 July Update
The weather was severe over the winter but there were no localised big events to report.

Two of the workers were married to each other in February and there was a great time of rejoicing and partying at the time.

At Easter another visit was undertaken and the visitor was delighted to be there for that special weekend. It was good to see the children growing physically and some refreshing links with their families. Two of the young boys from the home have gone to live with mum very locally so they are seen regularly and contact maintained - they are doing really well. Others are going to relatives for weekends and holidays and this is encouraged for them wherever possible .

There was a sad time recently when two children, a girl of 14 and a boy of 8,  who do or have attended the day centre were drowned in the river Danube - this has been a very sad time for all the Bethesda family, who knew the children and their family well. They are one of the poor families that are visited regularly and there are still siblings and cousins who attend. Sadly the parents were away at the time in France.

This time of the year is exam time in Romania too - a number of children and staff had been involved also - as life is so tough these days - several of the staff have had to start retraining and spreading into other work.

There is a fast grill outside the main headquarters of The Foundation run by staff and young people from Bethesda which helps income. others are teaching part time and getting further qualifications for themselves , another has been doing nurse training around her hours in the Girls home.

The church started in May 2010, has grown really rapidly in the community and there is a real sense of God working in the neighbourhood. Young people have grown up and left school and are pursuing courses, one as a chef, and other young men have passed drivers' certificates. The university young people are doing well learning and developing with associated practical experiences both in term and holidays. This all goes on beside regular life and care for the full time boarded children. These often arrive in crisis when there are family problems and they need time to heal and reassess their situation.

It is not all easy news. Some who have left are back in  their home world of prostitution and others are finding a life at home, which they have chosen to be much more difficult  that they thought possible. This is a shock to them but was a way they chose against advice as teenagers. They will experience life in the raw before they realise they will need to trust God in their lives as well as work hard to improves them.

The abused lady's work continues as the need arises and they are helped to move on with their lives in any direction they choose after recovery. One has changed with God and so has her husband and she has returned to live with him again. Others have resettled in the town and are building lives and caring for their children. a couple of workers have moved away and replacements have been found for their jobs. A man who was a street boy until recently and came to live in the 'Big Boys home'- which is now a young men's home - and is doing well and working and the change in him is fantastic.

Camp site care and use continues and we shall see how in the autumn report.

As you can read, social work goes along hand in hand with the spiritual and all challenges are prayed about, before and during committal to the person concerned. This is a good thing as there is commitment from both sides in all cases.

Please continue pray and take an interest in the Work of the Bethesda Foundation and contact me by email at the address directed on the web site. Have a good summer. May God bless you.
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