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2009 - June Update


Two of us visited the charity mission at the end of April and had a wonderful time – It was the first time for Karen so a real experience and she says she will be back! – I was there at my usual visit time without my husband for the first time so it was emotional but an extremely happy time. We saw all the work as it goes on now and for me to see all the children growing up well and strong and enjoying life was a thrilling experience.

The work there has changed a bit as the workers have met the challenges that God has set them. The ‘older boys’ home has only a few boys in it who are working in the city and the rest is being used as a mission and training centre. An American missionary, who is working amongst the very poorest of the people in the city now lives in the home with his family, hosts teams coming to help him and looks after visitors who come too. There is also an area to accommodate abused women in need of shelter as necessary. The farm has had to be discontinued as a result of all the new rules and regulations now Romania is finding its way in the E U. At the rear of the building, there is now a furniture manufacturing company which has grown out of gifts and skills provided by supporters. This provides work for different young people and a chance for self support for the Foundation.

The smaller house for boys has 9 boys in it and they are ones who are attending school still. This is a challenging job for them as they have missed a lot of school as they grew up and it takes a lot of hard work to catch up the broken years but they are really keen to make a life for themselves in the future.

The Girls house continues steadily being filled with younger and bereft children, who have come from terrible backgrounds.  We in the west do not know how well off we are with our homes and sanitation and good food on our tables every day. The atmosphere among the girls is loving and peaceful and they too are working hard in school. The older ones have been taken into worker’s homes as bigger children in the families, so they can be cared for individually as teenagers and are thriving well taking part in family life with younger children as brothers and sisters and learning home skills and responsibility.

The Day care centre continues busily taking in children on their shifts before or after school, caring for them with personal care and homework and food each day. The children go home each night and are home for the weekends. Many have never enjoyed love and care as they do now. As you can imagine this makes for a busy time as rooms, children and clothes are washed and food prepared but the whole picture is very worthwhile to see and experience.

The camp site has resurrected from its snow blanket after the winter and vegetation is springing to life everywhere. The two of us went up with the boys and girls and workers for 3 days at the May Bank Holiday time. While we were there, all had a wonderful time of freedom and fun as they started preparing the site for the summer activities. The playground needed treating as it is made of natural wood and the area had to be checked for improvement and renovation needs. The apple orchard was ablaze with blossom and many wild fruits and vegetable were around by the river. Football and volley ball were enjoyed and little ones created their own play in their sand pit and among the trees.  Children from 7 months to 60 +, enjoyed the relaxation and beautiful fresh air in the mountains. Plans were made for putting into place ideas for this summer’s activities and there will be more about these later. Camps start at the end of June and children and other teens and adults from various parts of Romania will be staying there to take time out with God and each other.

This should give you some Idea of how things are in that area of Romania and if any one has any questions, do please contact our Bethesda email address. God bless you all  - Gwyneth

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